5/31/2020 – Return from a 6 Month Hiatus + Updates

Hello all! I hope everyone has been doing well among the hardships of this pandemic. I have decided to come back and revitalize this blog, not having been on it just short of six months. As such, I wanted to post a visual update for what has been going on in my life: one ofContinue reading “5/31/2020 – Return from a 6 Month Hiatus + Updates”

Character Introductions, Mimi

Mimi is the first character shown in the Collision series. She is a hopeless romantic, a cozy bookworm, and is learning to love herself when her world is ripped apart. Her best friend and her childhood crush both run away under mysterious circumstances, leaving Mimi to learn independence and self-love on her own. Mimi isContinue reading “Character Introductions, Mimi”


Hello all! Welcome to the wonderful world of Collision, formerly titled as a website, Collided Creations! My name is Sienna, I am the primary writer and artist for the story. Here you will see many of my art and stories from the series, and I am very excited to share them with you! I willContinue reading “Welcome”

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